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Learning Objectives - This module will help a user to understand the basic directory structure followed by Magento. You will also learn the various code pools for development and how to start with a basic configuration file.
Topics - Overview, Magento Directory structure, Magento Code Pools, Configuration of XML.
Learning Objectives - The user will learn what are factory classes, how to call them, and how to override them for custom development. Also you will learn about Magento event handling system.
Topics - Fundamentals & Factory Classes, Class Overrides in magento, Event Observers
Learning Objectives - This module will provide an insight into the request routing of Magento. You will learn how a request is processed, how a module is initialized and how we can rewrite the URL's.
Topics - Overview, Front Controller, URL rewrites, Request Routing, Module Initialization
Learning Objectives - This module will help users to understand design/theme basics, how the templates are called and how they can be overridden for various themes.
Topics - Design & Layout Initialization, Role of template in RF, Flushing Output
Learning Objectives - This is the heart of Magento. You will learn how Magento defines blocks and calls them via layout XML.
Topics - Overview, Magento Blocks, Design Layout XML schema
Learning Objectives - This module will help users to define their custom database scripts to add/update/delete/alter the database etc.
Topics - Overview, Install/Upgrade Setup
Learning Objectives - This module will provide an insight how Magento handles the attributes.
Topics - Overview, EAV Entity Load/Save, Attributes Management
Learning Objectives - This module will provide complete knowledge of Magento admin. You will learn to create users and set their permissions, how to create Admin module and how forms and grids work.
Topics - Overview, Acl Permissions, System Config, Forms & Grids, Enabling & Configuring Extensions
Learning Objectives - This module will define the REST Webservices in Magento and you will learn how to use the existing one to create your own Webservices.
Topics - Overview, Creating New Webservice
Learning Objectives - This module will give an overview of Magento enterprise version. You will learn about the added functionalities in enterprise and the difference they bring from community version.
Topics - Overview, Rule Based Catalog Promotions, Reward Points, Full Page Cache
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