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Learning Objectives - In this module, you will get an overview of the Unix Operating System, its Architecture, Directory Structure and Command Usage and learn how to connect Unix Server using the Putty tool.
Topics - Introduction to the UNIX Operating System, Features of UNIX, Unix vs Windows and DOS Operating System, Different flavors of Unix, Unix System Architecture, File System Layout in Unix, Unix Command Usage, Unix Directory Structure/Hierarchy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Unix OS, Accessing Unix Server.
Learning Objectives - In this, you will learn how to write and use commands, message print on screen and get hands-on experience on basic commands in the Unix box by using the Putty tool and Ubuntu.
Topics - Getting started: Ubuntu, Special commands in Ubuntu (like apt-get, apt-cache, etc), Basic useful Unix commands (like sleep, passwd, date, cal, etc), Login related commands, Terminal related commands, Online Manual, Displaying Message, Disk related commands, Command for Unix OS details, Control Terminal Colour and Cursor.
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn how to create, delete, rename, copy, move, display files along with Redirection and Piping concepts.
Topics - What is Files, Directories and Sub-directories, Types of Files, Naming convention of Files, Directory related terms, Wildcard Character used in Files, Commands to manage Directories, Commands to create, display and delete Files, Commands to Managing Files (cp, mv, wc, lp, etc), Piping, Input/Output Redirection.
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn how to handle files and directories by using different commands and also learn Filter commands.
Topics - Splitting File Horizontally, Splitting File vertically, Useful File related Commands (like paste, tee, tr, cmp, comm, diff, alias, etc), File Search, Compressing and Archiving Files, ln: Linking Files, Filter related Commands (like grep, sort, uniq, awk, etc).
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn the different types of file attribute, how to change file permission, communicate within a network using Unix command, Upload/Download files from Local to server and vice versa.
Topics - Categories of Users and Permissions, Changing File Permission, Changing File Ownership, What is Superuser, Use of umask Command, Communication Commands in Network, Network related Commands, Transferring files between Local and Server, Copy files from server to server.
Learning Objectives - Metrics and trend charts will help you to demonstrate that your requirements gathering process is improving. The learning from this module will help you to manage the change requests that come into your project, using brainstorming, negotiation or Agile development methodology.
Topics - Different types of Editors (like ed, sed, gEdit, emacs, nano, vi, vim), Different modes of the vi editor, Screen Control, Navigation, Cursor Movement, Commands for saving and exit, Insert and Delete operation in vi, Searching for a pattern, Replace/Substitute, Joining Lines, Copy and Paste, Block Copy, Move and Delete, Special features of vim editor, sed: Stream Editor, Use of xargs command.
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will understand the general idea of a Shell Script, where and how to use and the pre-requisites to work on Shell Script.
Topics - Different types of shell, What is Shell Scripting?, How to write and execute a Shell script file, Scripting Language vs Programming Language, Process, Running jobs in the background and foreground, Scheduling Job (at, batch, cron, nice), Terminate Process Environment Variable, Local and Global Variables, Positional Parameter.
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn the approach of writing Shell Script with some basic programs.
Topics - Escape and Quoting Mechanism, Batch Script vs Shell Script, Advantages and Disadvantages of Shell Script, Shell Arithmetic Basic Operators, Arrays, Shell Function, Decision Making Statement.
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn how to debug a Shell Script Program and more hands on of important programs with assignment for own practice.
Topics - Debugging Shell Scripts, Shell Loops, Loop Control flow, Some important Shell Script Programs.
Learning Objectives - In this module, we will discuss about FAQs, and project work with roles and responsibilities.
Topics - Objective/FAQ discussion, Queries/Doubt Clarification, Project.
This course encompasses basic to advance level of Unix & Shell Script. The training is user friendly and will emphasize on real-time programs aligned to industry demands.
After completion of the Unix/Linux Shell Script course at Edureka, you will be able to:
After completing the course, you will be interview-ready in these fields:
Additionally, the course will be helpful for candidates who are working or willing to work in varied fields of technology like ETL Development/Testing, Big Data & Hadoop Development/Testing, Java Development/Testing, Unix SQL Production Support, and many more.
This course will be beneficial for freshers as well as experienced professionals who are interested to learn/work and build their careers around Unix-related IT fields. These can include:
Edureka’s Proficient in Unix Shell Scripting Certificate Holders work at 1000s of companies like
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